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Henry Ford Rose overcome from poverty to become a billionaire

 Henry Ford Rose overcome from poverty to become a billionaire

      Henry Ford from farm boy to American industrialist. On February 17, 1963 Henry Ford is a farm boy and change the status into American industrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Company.

      In today’s blog we’ll be looking at the life of Henry Ford. To use his life story to inspire young people who may be discouraged about life. We hope this blog gives you the courage, you need to believe in yourself and pursue your biggest dreams.

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      Ford was born on a farm in Greenfield Township in Michigan. John William Ford and Mary Ford as the oldest of four siblings. In 1876 a 13 year old Ford received a gift from his father. A pocket watch tick after tick the mechanical part of this device consumes Ford’s interest.

      He found himself spending more time studying and fixing his pocket watch than working around the farm. Soon ford began fixing the pocket watches and timepieces of his neighbor’s. he quickly gained a reputation as the community’s watch repairman.It all lasted until his mother’s death later that year.


      Three years after his mother’s death. Ford continued to grow weary of farm work. He rejected his father’s insistence and forced place as a farmer. The conflict sparked between father and son. Even went so when Ford declared his intention to become a machinist apprenticed in Detroit.

      Now 17 years of age. Ford left and found apprenticeship among the ship building firms of Detroit. For three long years he worked himself to the bone. Servicing mechanical engines. In 1882, Ford returned home where he continued his mechanical pursuits.

      He managed a sawmill. He overhauled his father’s farm for mechanical farming. He occasionally got a job service in Westinghouse portable steam engines for Westinghouse Electric company. On April 11, 1888 Ford married Clara Jane Bryant.


      In 1891, Ford started as an engineer in the Edison illuminating company. Less than two years he advanced a chief engineer. The position afforded him more time and money to pursue his mechanical experiments. While caring for his wife and new born son and self ford.

      After several iterations of building and test driving various prototypes. Ford built his first vehicle in 1896. the self-propelled and gasoline-powered vehicle.


      Encouraged by the positive feedback from Thomas Edison. Ford resolved himself to build an improved version of the Ford quadricycle in 1898, with the money raised from several investors. Ford resigned his job and founded the Detroit automobile company in 1899. unfortunately the production of low quality, yet high cost cars to satisfy him to the point he dissolved the company in 1901.


      Later that year, Ford successfully built and raced a 26 horsepower vehicle. His accomplishment excited investors from the disorder Detroit automobile company. It was a matter of time before they reorganized the company with Ford.

      The new name the Henry Ford company. One of Ford’s investors brought consultants and investor, Henry Leyland for appraisal. At Leila’s suggestion of built in a single cylinder engine car. Ford left with his name and $900. But his departure the Henry Ford company became the Cadillac automobile company.


      With another group of investors. Ford started the Ford Motor Company in 1903. When he became it president in 1906. he declared his only goal “creating model cars for the great multitude”. In 1908, Ford finally tasted his fist major success. After creating the four-cylinder gasoline powered Model T.

      Model T 30 started and simple to drive design, through tough roads became favorite among the middle and lower class. The Model T outsold its competitors. Ford found himself concerned about the low quality of cars Ford Motor Company produced per day.

      He describe industry standard production as expensive, inefficient and unlikely to meet increase in demand. After several years research in the automobile industry, Ford developed his innovation in 1913. Or some like all is an improvement from an old mobile assembly line from 1901.

      By simply adding a conveyor belt for realized what is now known as a moving assembly line. This innovation relied on speed continuous and division of labor. Thus each section of his workers were assemble a simple a car. Rather than one car at a time, this efficient mass production system saved cost and cars simply time.

      It’s price dropped from eight hundred and twenty-five dollars about twenty thousand seven hundred twenty six dollars. Today to three hundred and sixty dollar about eight thousand seven hundred and eighteen dollars today


      In 1914, the Ford doubled his workers wages to five dollars. One hundred and twenty eight dollars today. For each eight-hour workday. This and force favorable labor policies brought the best Detroit workers flocking from far and near to Ford’s company.

      Model T’s sales reached four hundred and seventy two thousand in 1916. By 1917, Ford began construction of the largest integrated Factory in the world. The Ford River Oak complex in due time forced workers of middle and lower class appreciated forced time-saving innovations allowing them to save enough wages and purchase the cars they assembled.


      During and after world war one. Ford diversified into the aircraft industry. He acquired the stout metal plane company in 1924. The company became a division of the Ford Motor Company in 1924. Among its manufactured planes to Ford 480 try morrow succeeded the most. It became the fist successful U.S airliner his maiden flight on June 11th 1926.

      The Smithsonian Institution honored Ford for the try Motors design and his influence within the aviation industry. Although nearly half the cars driven in America were Model T’s for few sooner or later his competition would catch up with mass production techniques of their own.

      So Ford and his son Edsel Ford worked together towards the Model T’s successor. On December 1927, their work resulted in the launch of the Ford Model A.


      In 1931 General Motors Chevrolet and Ply mouths Chrysler soon edged past Ford’s Model A in sales. As a result Ford Motor Company dropped from first to third among the big three in automobile sales.

      Despite Ford’s best efforts with the Model A successors of Model B, Model 18 and Model 40. Ford Motor Company could not reclaim its number 1 spot for years to come. Things went from bad to worse for Ford’s airplane company in 1933. The period of the Great Depression, it shut down whatever hope for the aircraft manufacturing company and his try model planes.


      Ford’s progressive labor policies and innovation made him a model employer. A model automobile but he refused to reorganize labor unions. Believe in them as bottlenecks to productivity and efficiency his security often interfere with any attempt to unionize as much as possible.

      In 1937, the battle or the overpass happened where Ford’s security and the U.A.W organizers clashed at Ford River road complex in Dearborn Michigan.


      After a sit-in strike in April 1941, the River Rouge Plant was shut down. After prolonged pressure from the media National Labor Relations Board and his wife Clara, Ford submitted despite his threats of shutting down his company. On June 1941, Ford Motor Company became the last of the big three to recognize the U.W.A. And signed their contract promising favorable labor terms to its workers.



      On April 7, 1947 and Henry Ford died at the age of 83 near his Dearborn estate. Now here’s the thing every aspect of Ford’s life screamed passion and innovation.

      If you want to succeed expect you have failures. But don’t be like those people that turn their backs or make excuses and give up.

      Every young person out there build on your passion and knack for innovation and stay determined. Until you fulfill your dreams

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