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the monsoon health tip - stay healthy in monsoon climate season


The most beautiful sight for me in a year is the first rain. You can see kids running outside, playing nicely joyfully in the rain.


Adults standing at the balcony or standing at the window, stretching their palms out to feel the touch of that rain.


People look out to see only that first pour in delight, you can see the only joy and happy faces all around.


But as the rainy day passes, the joy will not remain joy if we don’t follow certain disciplines, Which we should follow during the rainy season.


    people suffer usually from cold, cough, choked Nose, heavy headache, malaria, indigestion problem, acidity, etc.


In the monsoon season, let us understand certain dos and dont. which we should follow so that you can enjoy the monsoon without pain and suffering. 



    Immediately when you come back home from a wet day. Or you can dip your feet in warm water for few minutes, this shall warm up your body. 




Do not enter the room where the AC is on with your wet clothes, this could definitely cause cold and cough.




According to Varsha Ritu Aahar mentioned in Ayurveda, one should avoid sleeping. During the day as it hampers digestion and slows down the metabolism.


It can cause more dullness and laziness in your personality. If you are tired take a 15 min 20 mins nap, but don’t sleep for an hour. 




A person should engage in such activity, where the body heat is generated. Where the energy is generated, to generate heat and energy, do some dynamic yoga pose or work out’s as your wish. 


    And do some pranayams like KUMBHAKA
and ANULOM VILOM, KAPALABHATI this should generate a good amount of heat and improve your metabolism.


According to Ayurveda, morning 6am to 10 am is a KAPHA period, and so Is 6pm to 10 pm hence you should exercise during these periods to balance your temperature.


When you are not doing any physical activity, you are just sitting, cover your head, wear a cap, or wear a scarf to see that your head remains warm.


Otherwise, the nose will get blocked, sneezing will start. 



    Eat more heat-producing food, they always say, that feeds your cold and starves your feverSo this is the time of cold, so feed yourself. 


And see that you eat such food which is heat-producing. According to Ayurveda, this is a time when the pitta level in your body gets affected.


    And so your digestion is very poor, eat food that is freshly cooked and warm, have a glass of milk in the morning breakfast and a little pepper, little ghee.


And preferably cows ghee helps to be better digestion. And that could help in this season very much.


Keep sipping warm water throughout the day, add ginger, garlic, pepper to your diet, it not only produces heat but definitely improves your metabolism.


Always drink water which is boiled and then cooled. 




In yoga, it is mentioned that stale food should be totally avoided. And during the rainy season, it is a must.


We keep food in the refrigerator, we think it is not stale? It is still stale only, so always eat food which is freshly cooked.


And you should eat it immediately, avoid maida preparation, avoid non-veg preparation, avoid excessive oily and excessive hot chilly preparation.


And see to it. That you don’t eat any uncooked food. In Jain literature, they mentioned that anything green right from coriander to any leafy vegetables.


A person should avoid during the rainy season and that is very scientific. So try and eat few vegetables which you can cook and eat, nothing raw.


So it's very obvious that do not eat salads during this season. Everything should be cooked a little bit.


 you can definitely cook fry snacks that people would love. When the rainy season is there but after eating this, immediately drink warm water.


Better gargle with salt water, to see that your respiratory system is not disturbed. The curd must go into your system because that really improves your digestive capacity.


But avoid sour curd, and that too eating at night should be totally avoided, have curd in breakfast or in lunch or even at all in the evening.


But never at night. During monsoon, we should always carry alternative pairs of clothes and alternate footwear. 


Because we are going to get wet and remaining wet is definitely going to be hazardous to health.


Immediately as soon as you reach your office or soon as you reach home, try and see that you quickly change the wet clothes and wear dry clothes.



Do not sit under the fan, when you are wet because that is again going to create a problem. And basically, the respiratory system will directly get affected the digestive system will directly get affected.


So be careful, you may be feeling hot, use a little hand fan. But don’t sit under the fan.




    If you are not aware of your foot, the toes and the skin between the toes remain moist and get affected.


Lots of fungal infections and painful toes will be the outcome and so wipe, your toes regularly with soft cotton material, absorbent, in the morning as well as at night before going to bed. 


Or as soon as you come back from your outer destination. After bath remember to wipe your toes perfectly.


The rainy season is a lovely season beautiful season, but we have to be extra careful in this season to enjoy this season.


Quite a lot of accidents occur in this season on the road and see why it happens? We should drive with lesser speed and at the time or curve, we should be extra careful.


If petrol is spilled we should be more careful, go very slowly on the road where it is wet. So become aware of what you are doing? When you are doing? Where you are doing and so try and remember all things which we have given you.


Now, make sure that you follow them sincerely. And enjoy this monsoon weather, enjoy life enjoy this living.


You see seasons come and go. But the wise is that one, who knows to understand the season how to adjust? How to change according to the climate. 


And see that we enjoy every season to its best. So be wise.




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