What is Kriya Dex?
Kriya is a one-stop DeFi protocol on Sui offering native AMM for Swaps, Limit Orders, Strategy Vaults and Leveraged Perpetuals.
What is Chakra Season 3?
Chakra Season 3 - The Last Mile, as the name suggests, is
the final pre-token points campaign by Kriya. We have allocated 10% of $KDX
supply to users who participate in this campaign. The supply will be airdropped
on token launch day without an vesting! From points to leaderboards, everything
is on-chain.
How long this event will last?
The campaign will run for 2 months (Nov 10, 2024 to Jan 10,
2025) The airdrop and $KDX launch will happen in a few days after season 3
What is the use of Chakra NFT?
Chakra NFT is your ticket to participate in Season 3 as well
as the only way to claim $KDX airdrop during TGE. The NFT is non transferrable
and one address can only mint 1. This approach (that we've taken straight out
of the $DEEP / $NS playbook) helps in anti-sybil without KYC and thanks to
Sui's scalability ad cheap gas, this can be pulled off on-chain. For S1 and S2
participants, you'll observe that your NFT has your $KDX allocation written as
fields into the NFT
What are MAYA points?
MAYA is the name we've given to the on-chain points of
Chakra Season 3. For all practical purposes, MAYA is just another fungible
token on the Sui blockchain. It is even transferrable. However it is not a
token from a financial perspective because, users don't get any governance
rights on Kriya with their MAYA and it's infinitely mintable by our team. It
just gives more transparency to users compared to the current centralized web2
points meta.
How do I earn $KDX from MAYA points?
Users can earn MAYA by using different Kriya products:
- Generating volume via swapping
- Adding liquidity in AMM and CLMM pools
- Investing in Kriya strategies
The MAYA you earn comes straight into your wallet. You have to burn this MAYA into your Chakra NFT to update your S3 Score and Rank. MAYA in your wallet is of no use, only your S3 score in the Chakra NFT will be used to decide your $KDX allocation on airdrop day
Get 10% bonus points by using my ref code : SUIMO
Claim MAYA, then burn MAYA? I'm confused:
It could be confusing initially, but the overall concept is
- Earn MAYA from different actions into your wallet
- Burn them into the NFT and update S3 score
- Get $KDX airdrop basis your S3 score
Quick glance about this event:
- Swapping and generating volume
- Adding LP to earn yield and MAYA points
- Depositing in the strategy vault
How to Complete Chakra S3 Starter pack?
- First mint the Chakra Last Mile Nft on Here
- Then do a 100$ swap/trade on eligible pairs like Sui-USDC, Sui-DEEP, after you trade it will automatically verify it.
- To complete third task add 10$ worth Liquidity / LP Rebalancing / Strategies
- To burn MAYA points you have to wait until the epoch timer end, after that you can burn the MAYA points to get KDX token allocation.
- Road to Enlightenment > Burn MAYA > Unlock higher Chakra > Earn more $KDX
- Final task is to refer at least one user to complete that task.
I am done with top blasting and catching falling knives! Just going to hodl and compound my $SUI bags on Kriya now. Join me in my journey to enlightenment (and farming $KDX)