THE TOP 10 BEST FOODS FOR BALANCING ESTRAGON- womens must watch and men's don't watch
ESTROGEN: A hormone that has a lot of positive effects in our body. When it is out of balance, though, it can do a great deal of harm. Weight gain (particularly around the waist and hips), fatigue, irregular periods, tender, lumpy breasts, headaches, low sex drive, anxiety and melancholy, more severe premenstrual symptoms, and fertility concerns are all possible side effects of high oestrogen levels. High oestrogen levels can also put you at risk for serious health issues like blood clots, strokes, thyroid difficulties, and breast cancer. When oestrogen levels are too low, though, issues can emerge. In this blog post, we'll talk about how to deal with high oestrogen levels, often known as "Estragon Dominance." And the foods that can help put hormones back into balance by lowering oestrogen levels. We've compiled a list of the top ten estragon-balancing foods. To assist women with estragon Dominance in alleviating their symptoms a