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Greetings, viewers! The school year has begun again! Anyone who has ever studied for an exam overnight understands how difficult it is on the brain. This is why you should eat items that will help you concentrate.

In today's psychopills74 blog spot, we've compiled a list of things that every college student should have in their refrigerator!

Are bananas a viable alternative? What do you think about cherry tomatoes? We're discussing all of this and more...




Apples The adage "one apple a day keeps the doctor away" is absolutely correct. This amazing fruit is high in fibre and antioxidants, which decrease cholesterol and help prevent heart disease.

Apples are a widely consumed, high-potency source of phytochemicals, according to research, with studies correlating their consumption to a lower risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, asthma, and diabetes.

Apples can be used in a variety of baked items. They can also be eaten raw, dipped in peanut butter, or added to pancakes. They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months. They last a couple of weeks in the fridge.

You'll be relieved to learn that an apple's phytochemicals are unaffected by storage. This is an excellent on-the-go snack for a student.

What's your favourite way to eat apples? When you're in a hurry, what fruit do you reach for first?

Start a discussion with our psychopills74 blog spot community in the comments area...




Cheese is rich in calcium, phosphorus, protein, zinc and vitamins. These are especially good for your body if they come from real meals rather than supplements.

Studies show that even though cheese is high in saturated fat and sodium, the fermented form is also rich in probiotics. You can enjoy a small amount of cheese with your healthy diet. 

You can eat it with pasta, toast, salad, eggs, sandwiches, crackers, and whatever else you like. Hard cheese like parmesan lasts three to six weeks in the refrigerator, and six to eight months in the freezer. It’s one of those foods with a very long shelf life. 

You’ll be surprised to know that cheese can provide multiple health benefits if consumed as   a replacement for processed meats, or eaten as a snack instead of potato chips.

So instead of sitting at your desk, shoving chips and candy in your mouth, give a few slices of cheese a chance. 




Eggs are high in heart-healthy lipids, as well as vitamins like lutein for the eyes, vitamin D for the bones, and sulphur for the hair and nails. Eggs are also an excellent cooking component.

They're delicious with avocado toast, rice, and salad. They can also be left alone. Eggs are extremely filling, according to studies.

They're a high-protein snack that keeps you fuller for longer and helps you regulate your appetite.

This is perfect for any college student who is tired of having a whole pizza to himself on a Saturday night. In the refrigerator, eggs last about a week. Some may last a little longer. Just make sure to verify the box's expiration date.




Sweet and delicious cherry tomatoes provide a wide range of flavours to your dishes. Did you know that tomatoes are the fourth most popular fresh vegetable and the most popular canned vegetable in the United States?

Cherry tomatoes are high in vitamins and minerals that are good for you. They're high in vitamin C, which is necessary for a variety of biological activities. Cherry tomatoes are high in fibre, which helps you feel fuller for longer and eat less throughout the day.

One of the best foods for college students is cherry tomatoes. They keep for a long time in the fridge and have a sweet, crisp flavour.

Cherry tomatoes are also high in antioxidants, which can aid in the prevention of prostate cancer. They'll keep in the fridge for one to two weeks.

Consumption of tomatoes on a regular basis has also been linked to a lower incidence of chronic degenerative disorders.


             GREEK YOGURT


 Greek yoghurt is different from other yoghurts, in case you didn't know. To remove the whey, it goes through a straining procedure. Lactose, a natural sugar found in milk, is present in this liquid.

Greek yoghurt is a great source of calcium, protein, zinc, and gut-friendly bacteria, plus it doesn't spoil easily. It also makes a great parfait with granola! This is a great breakfast snack to enjoy before going to class.

Because Greek yoghurt is high in protein, it keeps you feeling fuller for longer. People may eat less throughout the day following a high-protein dinner, according to research.

Plain Greek yogurt is a nutrient-packed snack with many health benefits. Plus, you can use it as a healthy dip for crackers and chips. 

Research suggests that consuming probiotic yogurt is beneficial for your mental health.  

The study found that workers who ate 100 grams of probiotic yogurt a day, or took a daily capsule, experienced less stress, depression, and anxiety than those who didn’t. 

On average, Greek yogurt can last up to two months in the freezer, and one to two weeks in the fridge.



This is such a simple and quick snack that it couldn't possibly be left off the list. Bananas are not only tasty but also nutritious.

Potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 are all abundant in them. Bananas may aid in the reduction of exercise-related muscle cramps and discomfort, which affect up to 95% of the population.

Bananas provide good nutrients before, during, and after exercise, according to studies. This fruit goes well with peanut butter, jam, yoghurt, and cereal.

You can even make banana ice cream if you're confident in your culinary abilities. Bananas also contain ‘tryptophan,' an amino acid that may aid memory retention, learning ability, and mood regulation. Bananas are also fantastic for smoothies and may be kept in the fridge for two to nine days.



Peanut Butter Do you have concerns regarding your dental hygiene while at school? Peanut butter, believe it or not, can assist.

Peanut butter was created in the 1800’s as a protein alternative for those with damaged teeth. Not only that, but it's also high in potassium, protein, and fibre, making you feel full.

It also has a lot of heart-healthy fats in it. According to studies, adding peanuts or peanut butter to foods like a bagel or a glass of juice helps to keep blood sugar levels stable.

Peanut butter can be used as a dip or a spread for sandwiches. The best part of eating peanut butter is that it’s light on calories.

It’s also used as a healthy alternative to baked goods and smoothies. When stored in the fridge, peanut butter can last for about eight months. When out of the fridge, it lasts for about four. Every college student should have a jar of peanut butter in their cupboard! 



Studies show that milk and dairy products help you meet nutrient recommendations and may protect against the most prevalent chronic diseases. 

You may be on the tip of adulthood, which means even though there are no bones growing in your body, you can still lose bone mass.

Eating a diet high in calcium and vitamin D is great for bone health. This is what milk provides. 

Milk also contains amino acids that help moisturize the skin. If you want the perfect snack while studying, milk’s great for dipping cookies, but I’m sure you already knew this. 

If you’re a student, a very important tip when buying food is to buy in bulk whenever possible.  

Get together with your roommate and shop for products that come in large quantities for cheaper rates. Let’s keep the conversation going with a couple more food-related blog post.  

What’s on your college grocery list? Let us know in the comments below!



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