How To Get Rid Of A Sinus Infection - and how I cure my sinus in 21 days
Hai hello guys, Sinuses are hollow cavities in the skull bone as well as the facial bones. It produces mucus. That's why helps in the lubrication of the entire nasal passage. A healthy sinus is filled with air, no problem. But when it gets infected, then it is filled with mucus and this mucus can bring the choking up of the nasal passage. It causes pain in the facial region, basically the forehead, cheeks, and around the ears. And that is not a healthy Sign. Also, these blockages in the nasal passage are going to cause difficulty in breathing. We have four pairs of sinuses frontal sinus, maxillary sinus ethmoid sinus, and Sphenoid sinus. FRONTAL SINUSES :- Frontal sinus is located above the eyes of these eyebrows and the area MAXILLARY SINUS :- The maxillary sinus is located on either side of the noes around that cheekbone. ETHMOID SINUS :- E thmoid sinus on either side of the bridge of the nose. SPHENOID SINUS :- Sphenoid sinus behind the eyes. These