
Showing posts from April 12, 2020

book summary of Failing forward by John C. Maxwell the 5 ways to over come the failure

       Failing forward by John C. Maxwell     Five years after, I’ve been enter into the business world my elder brother mocked me in one of our heated arguments. He said, you see after these years. You’ve bragged.      That you’ll become rich. Here you are still wearing, my clothes to my brother. If you’ve tried to build a business for five years. And make no money. You are failure do you, want to blame my brother.       No, don’t blame him. Blame the school, system instead in school failure is an indication. That you’re stupid but that’s just because school itself is very stupid?       Sorry, for her to you. If you’re one of those, who worship school. I’m very sorry. But, you see in the real world, failure is an indication that you’re making progress. In fact, the amount of times, you’ve failed in last 12 months is directly correlated to how successful you can, become in the next few years?      The first, major lesson in the failing forward is  failure