
Showing posts from April 11, 2020

book summary of Leaders eat last by Simon Sinek= 5 best ways to be a leader to the company or group or industries

     Leaders eat last by Simon Sinek      Just a few hours before. I started working on this book review. I was discussing with a friend about how I intentionally overpay my team and employees.      When I say overpaid.  I don’t mean to give you an impression that everyone working with me is rich instead. I mean I try as much as I can to pay my team more than anyone with the size of my company in the part of the world would want to pay.      But, why the answer is simple? Leaders eat if you are an entrepreneur  or a leader of any kind, you must be able to please people around you first. Can you try and pay your team and lead to better than anyone in your industry?      Even if that means lesser profit for your company, can you figure out how to make people around you happy first? Can you endure to eat last?   One of the major points in this book is be the last to profit. If you’re new here? Thank s for taking time to read this blog. You may consider subs

Book summary of How to make friends and influence people by Dale carnegie: 5 ways to manipulate or control the people by this tips are given

   Book summary of How to make friends and influence people by Dale carnegie      In my second year in college. I decided to contest for a political office on campus in my part of the world. That was a big deal as you become a famous leader of thousand of students.       There were about five of us in the race, including the incumbent of the office. We were running for I couldn’t believe it I had about eighty-five percent of the entire votes. How did I do it.       Few months before I ran for this campus political office. I read how to win friends and influence people and one of the major points in this book is.      Remember people’s name which I practiced so well by calling people by your names. When you call people by their names they simply see you as their friends.       And love you for it. If tomorrow you asked for their heads they joyfully give you a silly me. But seriously people can die for you if they like you and one of the best ways to make peopl