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3 lifestyle changes you've got to form to be rich after this lockdown

3 lifestyle changes you've got to form to be rich after this lockdown


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     I’ve told you this story before. But a  good story is worth repeating, when I around age 18. I read a book that changed my life. And no it wasn’t 100 things that changed my life in that book. But a single quotes which go like


     “if you want to become who you are not,

      You have to do thing what you have never done?”.


      This quote is simple or even in common sense. Yet it influences the way I see the world ever since then up till today. My mind always works in terms of giving and take, sacrifice, and gain. Give it up getting back.


      Whenever I think of having something, I don’t have. I always think about what I need to change in my life. Thought or environment unfortunately, most people don’t think this way. In my observation I’ve seen people who want to get without giving. I’ve seen people who want to build a successful business without sacrificing their sleep, freedom, or even friendship and entertainment.


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      I’ve seen people who want a new life, but they don’t want to change their lifestyle. I think one of the reasons why most people fail in life. So let’s talk about the world right now. If you have to become a better or richer individual in the next 12 months, this blog will suggest three things you have to do to become richer.


      If you’re an entrepreneur or a business person, we especially invite you to join our motivational blog or website which was designed to give you daily inspirations. So that you will have the strength to pursue and achieve your most important dreams. We call this blog or website as a psychology pill and you can join by subscribing or leave your mail id in the comment box.



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      I grew up in a developing country, where my father was a local politician. He never had any elective position because he is illiterate. But he loved politics as much as he loves his eyes, often here my father and other people complain about the government.


     I probably believed they were right because I was much younger then however when I grew older and noticed what happened from one government to another. I discovered that the government wasn’t there to solve anybody’s problem but talk about it. When he comes to your problems, politicians know how to talk about it because most of them are atolls. However when it comes to solving your problems, I’m sorry you’re on your own.


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      Today whether I listen to people are read the online comments it’s all the same. Most people blame the government for their wounds, this is called victim mentality. This is what you do when you think you’re powerless. Fortunately you are powerful, only if you make up your mind to use your power. About 12 years ago I decided to be free from depending on the government or I die.


      I chose a simple decision. I just wanted never to have to wait for the government for anything. Yes it was the toughest journey of my life, but today I’m not accountable to anyone nor do I expect any human being to do me a favor or help me out.

Lookout is happening around the world right now.


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      The government of my state for example decided to distribute foods, to the people who are locked down at home and they started distributing to these people. The food that’s not even enough to make them live a single day. That’s how far the government can go. I know so many people who read this blog and think, I’m stupid.


      Why do you say we shouldn’t depend on the government thirdly collect our taxes isn’t this supposed to be responsible for their citizens. Well you have some good points but I don’t live my life with such a mentality, I don’t wait for the government to help me because of the option. I go for whatever I want some big crazy sacrifices to get it an evening. It’s about pride and being human.


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      You have that pride and dignity inside you. Your life is more precious than to leave it to expecting the government too risky because the government would never do. Stop living as though the government is your father who cares about you because that is not true



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      The richest man in my country is also one of the most hated. Of course so many people hated the politicians than him, but he will rank very high among the most hated men in my country. But why do people hate the rich? The rich are greedy.


      They are thieves, young monopolies. They’re everything evil, they are in Illuminati out I’m tired. Can you give me a brick and allow me to tell you the truth. The truth is this most human are greedy, most humans are selfish, most humans are liars, most humans do wrong things all the time. It’s like saying I hate rich because they have two hands, well everyone has two hands. This isn’t to justify evil but to put it in the right perspective. There are honest worldly people and there are dishonest poor people everywhere. They are generous and righteous rich people and there are evil stingy poor people everywhere.


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      The problem with hating the riches that you can never be rich because deep within yourself. What you are saying is money is evil. I can’t have it this is what I do. I don’t judge or value the people based on their financial status. It’s only successful or wealthy, I’ll learn a few things from him and avoid whatever is on right shows about his life.


      It’s like eating fish you send a dish to your throats about three we’d be born. I’ve read the biography of steve jobs. For example while I could pick one or two great things to learn from his life. I could also tell you one or two things, I wish I never do in my life with steve jobs did. That doesn’t make me a better human than him.


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      I just won’t do what he did? That’s how you should look at the rich. There are humans greedy dishonest and selfish just like you and me. But there are also great people and have done great things most people will never do. Don’t hate them for being human, so you would unconsciously hate money.


      Read the books, they are written and learned they’re the good part that’s how to be rich.



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      I don’t know maybe this is particular to my country or where I live. But I’ve seen so many people who think money isn’t that important. The irony of this matter is when there is a crisis or the landlord happens to evict or their children need money for school.


      These people often hate those who pursue money eventually run to the same people for help. This is my philosophy about money it’s like oxygen. You don’t need too much of it but if you don’t have enough of it. You will be in a great crisis. This is how to be rich have a great desire for wealth. I don’t know anyone of us who wouldn’t block anything else to look for oxygen.


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      If we’re responsible for looking for it. Since you know that you will die without oxygen. If you must create oxygen you read 100 books walks 24 hours every day and make every humanly possible sacrifice to get oxygen. I tell you money the next most important thing after your relationship we got oxygen.


      Have a strong desire for wealth. Have a little holy desperation. Don’t cheat lie or kill for money, but learn, read, and study about how money works and sacrifice any word eaten should be financially free up. Expecting the government to help you they are reputable for disappointing people like you. Stop hatting the rich, stop judging them. Know that they are as evil as most humans, When they also have some good lessons you can learn from. Have a strong desire for money and be willing to make righteous sacrifices to have enough money.


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      Like oxygen you don’t need too much money, but if you don’t have enough you won’t have to be happy. And just before you go order that blog on Google chrome. if you are an entrepreneur or an ambitious person we invite you to join our motivational blog. The objective of the blog is to give you daily inspiration so that you will have the strength to pursue and achieve your most important dreams. We call this blog a psychology pill and you can join by subscribing.


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