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20 mins sciatica pain overcome yoga pose techniques for quick pain relief & cure of sciatic pain



20 mins sciatica pain overcome yoga pose techniques for quick pain relief & cure of sciatic pain

People very often complain of some pain in waist or sometimes in lower limbs. Now this is called as a sciatica pain.

Actually, it starts from the waist and it goes down towards the limb the legs. It is quite painful and irritating and very much depressing. we have to be free from the pain in any case.

This happens because the sciatic nerve which is the longest nerve of our body gets irritated due to some spinal issues or injuries. Pain can be acute in some cases. no worries at all.

I will share some ideas or thoughts with you. The life style changes you are supposed to make the food you are supposed to eat and the way in which you are supposed to spend your day these things will help overcome this sciatic pain.




      Yoga is an ideal and wonderful exercise to body and mind. Daily practicing this yoga exercise which give a numerous of health benefits such as health and strong body, peace of mind state increased focus and concentration etc…


     Let see the various type of yoga exercise to overcome sciatica pain in our body. Among yoga exercise, pigeon pose will work wonders




    you have to lie down relax your all body parts, fold your legs towards your buttocks. Here one leg has to go across the other leg and then the bring leg towards the stomach.

Now this is such a wonderful pose that it will release the pressure or pain in sciatic nerve, so the person should do this. In a lying down position and that will work excellent.



         Here you are sitting and doing the same thing, as said above in a calm and relax state. And then slowly and peacefully folding your legs another leg across and pressing it towards your stomach. As a time do it for 4-6 min as your wish.


It is a beautiful posture. And then do the We move to next pigeon pose.



         Same type of stretch you can do with the support of wall. Lie down absolutely closer to the wall. Your bottom has to be closer to the wall as much as possible.

And then fold your legs. If you are not clear just Google it. You will get wonderful stretch with the support of wall.

In all these three variations of yoga exercise you will feel very good amount of stretch and better relief. near your bottoms and towards your thigh.

The pain which is going downwards from back to thigh will be gone. you will feel very comfortable and as I said you get a small amount of relief.


Next pose is highly recommended to overcome from sciatica pain.



         This type yoga pose is also called as king pigeon pose. Now we move on to process how to do king pigeon pose.

Sit in vajrasana position (thunderbolt pose, or Diamond pose), come to table top position. And then fold leg in front and another leg stretch behind.

stay in this position again the wonderful stretch and so the nerves which are getting pressed between two vertebrae gets released. And the person is relieved from the pain.

Another variation of king pigeon pose, It is the same position bend forward and relax comfortable in that position.

That also would give you good amount of stretch to your sciatica nerve. Here we have shown you one group of pigeon pose variations Now here is another group of pose still more simpler.


When you are doing it in Dirga Pranayama (lay down position) Where your legs are closer to your seat and knees up. now in this position you are doing certain variations.



          You have to do Supta bahadarasana is nothing but a yoga pose. Which is called as Supine Bound Angle pose. Bring both the knees near the side, and bring it back, this movement you should do for 5 to 10 minutes.



         You have to do Yastikasana (stick pose) with knees bent where you have to bring both the arms up. And stretching your body and bringing them down again. Do it in relax and peaceful mind state. Take your own time.

Do these 5 times. and that will be very good. You will notice so changes in your body.  And again, relax your body and keep it calm take a break for 2-3 mins at the same pose (stick pose).


Bringing knees closer to your stomach, lifting your legs closer to your stomach and bringing it back. This variation of pawanmuktasana (wind-relieving pose) do this for 5 minutes, that will be enough.  

Now other good yoga position for this condition is Viparitkarni (Legs up the Wall Pose) Where you are lifting your legs up, holding your back with the support of your arms.

Support of arm is very essential Staying in this position with the support of your both hands, and staying there for some minutes.

But sometimes it is little hard to practise. So, go towards the wall take the support of the wall and bring your back to the wall, lift your legs up.

You can put 2 to 3 pillows below (as your comfort) your hip, stay in this position, you will be able to stay or hold in this position even for 5 minutes comfortably, and then come back to normal position.


Now at lastly very important thing is Relaxation. The most relaxing posture is Shavasan (corpse pose) Here you are lying down on your back.

Every vertebra has to be comfortable in relaxed state. So here you have to keep your legs little away from your each other, arms also little away from body and see to that you let go your body weight to the ground, just relax.

The rule is very simple and clear whenever there is pain in the joint bring relaxation to your system, you should be doing that and relaxation should be part of your routine do it twice or thrice in a day.

After your work you should lie down and practices shavasana for 10 minutes. And that would keep you free from pain throughout diet remedies for this pain.

Understand as your food so is your body condition, so you must make some changes when you have pain. Consume anti-inflammatory good health foods like berries, pineapple, broccoli. And leafy vegetables.


They are wonderful to be taken during this time. Again ginger, turmeric and garlic have amazing healing properties. All these foods can really have the potential to help in releasing pain. Sometimes the cause of the pain could be constipation.

For constipation have more of the fruits and vegetables so fibres go in your system and constipation gets released.

Also know the foods which you can avoid or at least reduce, avoid sugar and sugar contain carbonated drinks.

Because sugar is inflammatory in nature. Other food which can increase inflammation are vegetable oils. like sunflower oil, seismic seed oil Partially hydrogenated oil also reduce the intake of protein.

Your diet should not be high in protein, diet should be low in protein, high in carbs. That would be a balanced diet for you.

So, understand, bring some changes in your food habits. This would definitely reduce your pain, definitely reduce your inflammation and make you feel Comfortable.


Be aware of your sleeping position Very often people usually complain moment they wake up in the morning Back is hurting

very badly very badly, they can’t lift themselves up they can’t walk they have too much pain in their leg, they can’t put their heels on the ground.

What is wrong? the sleeping position is not correct is very clear.



you should check. the mattress should not be very soft or very hard.  The mattress should be proper and firm.

Understand While sleeping don’t stretch your legs straight, rather lie down on the sides .and bring your legs closer Like a baby pose and sleep that would be very relaxing.

Always see that you have something below your knees so your knees are curved and not straight.

Understand when you are sleeping in this position sides and sometimes on your back, your knees are folded and you are sleeping that would relax your back.  



Long sitting always gives you pressure on your back, so there is pressure on sciatica nerves Similarly long standing also creates problems on your back.

So, see to it that your life style becomes such a way. After every half an hour of sitting, you get up and walk. Go towards the window and take few deep breaths and come back again and so on.

Long standing avoids ladies have this problem I have seen very often they have standing kitchens, because of that they are standing and cooking for a long time.


They should know that whole work of kitchen, and finishing that work and relaxing will never happen. Leave work half ways go in your bed lie down in pranayama no 4 position and relax.

Or walk around here and there or do some movement and then finish the work again. This attitude is much better. Taking tension and finishing the work and then relaxing is a very common problem among the ladies.

So, don’t do this. Try and be aware of your body postures and do your work accordingly this would be much better.

Understand today’s lifestyle is such where we are sitting in front of the computer all the time. Now become aware and see to it that you get up from your seat and do some back bending, Move little bit.

Move some leg position and sit again. This habit has to be formed. And the old habit of long sitting.

And long standing should change now, otherwise you will be under the pain all the time. Person suffering from sciatica pain should walk.

Walking really relaxes your muscles and lower limbs. and walking is the mildest and best exercise too. So, try and see that you walk at least 6 to 7 kilometres per day.

Do some walking in the morning and some in the evening. whenever you get the time. good walkers are seldom sick.

So, understanding this sciatica pain which you can overcome, otherwise very painful situation. But with your efforts by making your lifestyle changes, by changing your habits, by changing some food habits, and by seeing that you do some yoga poses also regularly.

This pain you can comfortably take care of and you will not have any pain. understand under the pain persons all actions are done in wrong way. Person suffers a lot. so be

Free from pain. Put some efforts, make some changes, and come out from the weakness which you have developed in your body due to some factors.

You should know very well that when you are stressful, Mind is under tension its effect is directly felt on the muscles. muscles become tight, arteries Get narrow, blood pressure shoots up.


Because of that nerves get pressure. see to it that you don’t develop stress mentally. You should be able to take life as it comes. don’t worry. don’t take tension.


Live life happily. With that said until next time.










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