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wall stretches for right body alignment and flexibility in 5 best ways


wall stretches for right body alignment and flexibility in 5 best ways-01

    Our body goes through lots of changes. On any occasion due to our age, due to different weather, due to the food which we have eaten, due to the way in which we have spent the day.


Sometimes you may feel joints are very stiff, muscles are very stiff. So there are certain stretches, which today I would like to show you with the support of the wall.


    To help your joints, upper joints, middle joints, extremities joints and see to it that you become little comfortable and then you become ready for further potions which then you can do very easily.





Most of the time our spine is never in alignment. We are busy doing something, we are busy on the computer doing something, reading something most of the time we slouch and extend our body away from the body line.


This simple practice will align your body in a straight line and correct the misalignment of your body. So how to perform this Body Alignment Pose? Let's see.


Stand straight with your back against the wall. Try to keep your heel, buttocks, shoulders, and head touching the wall, along with the wall.


    Slowly raise your palms up while breathing in fully, and touch your palms to the wall so your entire body is practical with the wall.


    Stay here in this pose for a few seconds or up to a minute according to your comfort. But this is a beautiful exercise. To see that the alignment of your body is correct.


There is a variation in which you can practice to get a better effect. Here the position of your hand is different. Slowly slide your hands to the T shape position.

This T shape Position is an excellent posture to correct

your postural defects. 




 An excellent wall stretch. To make your KONASANA and TRIKONASANA become perfect. This can give you an intense side stretch. Let us see how to do this.

    Here also stand straight. Your heels, your buttocks your shoulder, and your head should be touching the wall. Raise your right hand along with the wall and bend on the left side as much as you can When you are raising your arms up, taking it touching the ears, raising your upper hand, and bending sideways.


You are taking long inhalation there you should stay there for some time for 6 to 10 seconds and then come back in your normal position. 


While performing this make sure that your body should not lose contact with the wall.


While coming back to the starting position slowly exhale the breath, repeat the same

on the other side.


Generally, I have noticed that when we do a side bend our upper body tilts backward or forward, Our hips also get tilted, so we should take the support of the wall and do this posture



You will feel a nice intense stretch on your side muscles.




    This is a pose to strengthen your thighs, and leg muscles, this can make your (UTKATASANA) better.


Stand one by one and a half feet away from the wall. Keep the distance of both feet around one foot, both parallel to each other, and now try and tilt your body back to touch the wall.

Your head, Your shoulders, and your whole body should be touching the wall.


    Slide down slowly and gradually till your thighs are parallel to the ground. This is like a chair position.


    When you start doing this posture first take
a breath in and then while breathing out slide down. Stay in this position for 4 to 6 seconds and slowly you can increase the time as you feel comfortable.


And then get up while inhaling and come back to normal position. Here you will feel intense pressure on your thighs in your body, But I should tell you one thing, people with knee pain, knee problems should avoid this.



    Usually, I have observed while doing this posture people tend to bend forward. And then the pressure on the knee is very bad, and it rather increases your knee problems.



So to do this posture, you need to be straight backward and sitting down. When you practice this even your arthritic condition in your knee is going to improve.

There is a variation to this posture also. If you are very comfortable then only try this. In this pose you can lift your one leg straight parallel to the ground, straight leg parallels to the ground, and stay in this position for some time.


So your bodys weight is on one leg is up. If you are comfortable you can do this also This would be still a more intense stretch to your thighs.


But understand this is an excellent posture To give exercise to your thighs and core muscles. Do it on both sides.




    An outstanding exercise to stretch your thighs and loosen up your hip muscles. There are two types of methods by which you can do this. Just see the model, keep your one leg along the wall and the other leg bent in 90 degrees.


Place both hands on the ground keeps pushing the feet and leg on the ground. Here you will feel a nice stretch throughout your leg. Stay here for few seconds and repeat on another side.


    People having knee problems should totally avoid this. In this posture since you are on your knee and your knee is touching the floor, the pressure on the knee is very strong so sometimes.


    You can take a soft pillow keeping it below your knee and do it. don’t do it on the hard ground Would hurt you.


If you are comfortable with this then go for the advanced version. Here release your both hands and lift your upper body backward. In this position stays for few seconds. Repeat on the other side




    Pigeon Pose is an excellent posture to open your lower back and also to stretch back your thighs. You can do this in 2 stages. Lie down on your back, go very closely near to the wall, and put your leg on the wall as high as possible.


Stay in that position for a minute or two, and relax in this position .it is a very soothing pose, that can Make your leg very light, all the stress and tension will go away.


The pain if there is in your knee, in your ankle also goes away. The inflammation swelling if at all is there in your leg would deteriorate.


So stay in this position for some time more. Your toes in and out, but stay for 2 minutes at least.


In this pose you will get a passive stretch on your hamstring and calf muscles, thereby releasing stress and tension of that area.




Raised leg pose. It reverses blood circulation to your legs. It is a very good posture even for your heart.


It can prevent varicose vein conditions. The second variation of this posture Here as usually you are lying down with both legs up, keep your right feet over the left.


And drag the left foot along the wall. Try to hold on to your lower back along the ground. You will experience a nice feel opening in your lower back and also in your legs. Repeat the same on another side.


All these stretches make wonders. Keeping your body really relaxed and very easily stretched from top to bottom. Your spine gets aligned properly.


Your body muscles get toned. thighs, hamstring core, and calf muscles all get stretched. The combination of all these kind of exercises, it improves the blood circulation in the entire body.


Regular practices of these poses even can make your pose practice better. It can really accelerate your progress. Keep practicing all these things. And enjoy your stretch.




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