11 ways to make conversation with absolutely anyone

11 ways to make conversation with absolutely anyone

Starting a conversation with someone especially if you’re just meeting them for the first time is one of the hardest things to do because it’s not just about talking.  It’s about creating a memory they can hold on to long after the conversation has ended

Samuel Johnson an English writer said that “the happiest conversation is that of which nothing is distinctly remembered, but a general effect of pleasing impression.”

how you make people feel is what matters most during a conversation.  The truth is that people won’t remember what you said but they will remember how they felt in your presence so your focus should be the emotional state of the other person and how well you can relate on that emotional level with that in mind you can build any other strategy to fall in place in this blog.  I’ll share with you 11 foolproof ways to start conversation with absolutely anyone if you’re new here consider following our blog.  So that you won’t miss other interesting blog like this

Ask for their opinion:

We all have our respective thoughts in opinion concerning everything in life start by finding out what the person thinks about certain things especially the things around instead of bringing up a topic out of the blue for all you know it might not be a subject they like to talk about or be reminded of remember what our goal is to make them feel good for instance you can ask questions like what do you think about the food here or what’s your take about the view here or the music and the like understanding.  How the person sees life and what they think about these various subjects will determine how willing they’ll be to respond to you.


Conversation is about their home and other things it’s not about you so sharing a common experience or interest will give you a headway once you’ve found out what they like bring up a conversation in that line you’ll be surprised how delighted they’ll be to talk about it.  It could be talking about kids shopping, sports, driving, reading etc..
  And if you’re not well-informed about the subject be honest about it and show your interest or enthusiasm to find out more about the subject.  I’m pretty sure they’ll be ready to fill you in and talk about their experiences as long as you’re genuinely interested without coming off as a pain in the neck.


Here’s the thing being in a position to help someone you are dying to talk to isn’t something that happens easily or all the time.  So when you find the chance to do so then by all means go ahead for instance you can offer assistance such as these can I help you carry that large bag.  Do you need a seat there’s a free one over there would you like a program.  I happen to have an extra that way the person will tend to like you and trust.  You because you have helped them however in offering help be careful not to be too intrusive.
  Don’t jump in other people’s privacy for instance you don’t want to be that guy that eavesdrops on strangers conversations in a bid to help imagine this.
  Hi couldn’t help overhearing that your credit card was declined would you like to use mine this might cause more harm than good because it is a little intrusive number.


Does the listener come form a certain part of town that you have visited and enjoyed your stay.  Perhaps you attended the same high school or college have you both worked for the same company or boss or do you both share a common likeness for a particular drink.
  Whatever it is that you notice about you to make that a good subject of discussion.


 For instance say you want to get an item and you’re having difficulty making a choice or a decision between tow items.
  You can ask for their opinion or advice there will be more than willing to help.  Perhaps when commenting on their outfit or accessories as in what a great tie you can add “where did you get it”.


  If they look nice or are wearing a piece of clothing that you admire then you should go ahead to give an honest compliment about it.  That’s a really unusual necktie what did you get it that scarf if a great colour on you.
  While people like to be appreciated especially for their great taste of style don’t comment on their physical appearance.
  For instance having a stranger tell you that your eyes are beautiful can be creepy.  So mention something cool or positive about a personal belonging of theirs followed by a question.  An example is this wow! That’s such a beautiful wristwatch where did you get it.


 No matter where you are you’ll always find something interesting to comment on it could be the music, the food, the plantation, the guest or anything else…   you can start a conversation using any of these.


 Perhaps you both share a mutual friends you can mention their names. Doing this will give them a feeling of you’ve been part of their extended social circle that way they’ll think of you as someone they know or should know however be careful that their relationship with the shared acquaintances is a good one.
 So that you don’t get into the their black books. Just being friends with someone they are currently having a legal dispute with.


If you’re asking a question that can require a yes/no answer then you can sure that is what you will get which is why you should ask open-ended questions or at least have several follow-up questions.
  However ensure you don’t become too disturbing like a 3- year old.  Demanding to know why to every answer provided don’t go asking why?.


 Everyone enjoys listening to stories and more importantly they always want to find out what happens next.
  You can take advantage of this by telling a story about something in the environment or something similar to what is happening around you too.
  However keep it short and intriguing and of-course interactive.  So that you won’t end up doing all talking.


  Sometimes a simple introduction is all you need as surprising as this sounds.  People feel more special if you approach them with your name straight forwardly.


1. Ask for their opinion
2. Use their interest
3. Offer assistance
4. Bring up a shared experience
5. Ask for their help/advice or recommendations
6. Compliment something about their apperarance that you like
7. Comment on the environment
8. Mention a mutual acquaintance
9. Ask open-ended questions
10. Tell a story similar to the present situation
11. Introduce youself

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